Book an Appointment
Thanks for your interest in booking with Open Care Community. We have a lot of treatment options; if you feel confused, please give us a call at 917-426-1138. A few important things to take note of: 1) New patients must book an “Initial” appointment - this is true for your first acupuncture appointments, your first herbal consultation and your first facial. 2) We offer sliding-scale treatments in our Community Room and treatments at a set price in our Private Rooms. Please be sure to double check whether you are booking a Community appointment or a Private appointment. Please note that all facial procedures are private.
We know this is a lot of info, thanks for reading! If you have any questions, please give us a call at 917-426-1138.
New patients must book an Initial Appointment.
SPRING SALE TREATMENT! (Only available on select days/times) Book soon before spots run out!
Discount for Initial Community Acupuncture! LIMITED AVAILABILITY. Book soon before spots disappear. (Available only on select days/times)
Community Acupuncture / Cupping / Guasha / Herbal Medicine
In our community clinic, patients are treated together in a large, well-ventilated room by our dedicated, compassionate staff. Each appointment includes a check-in with the practitioner and either a front or back treatment. At the practitioner’s discretion, patients may book an extra appointment for cupping, gua sha, tui na, herbs or an additional front/back treatment. A patient who is only interested in cupping or gua sha can simply book either an initial community acupuncture appointment, or a follow-up community acupuncture appointment, and put either "cupping" or "gua sha" in the notes section. Patients who are interested in an herbal consultation should either book an "Initial herb consultation" or a "Follow-up herb consultation."
Private Acupuncture (Email if you don't see a time that works for you.)
Private acupuncture treatments take place in a private room and allows the patient and practitioner the time and space to work on deep-seeded issues. Benefits of private treatment include a private space, more time with the practitioner, the opportunity for a front and back treatment and additional modalities, such as cupping and gua sha, at the practitioner’s discretion.
If you are interested in booking a private acupuncture appointment, but don't see a time that works for you, please send us an email at We are happy to find a time that works for you.
Cosmetic Acupuncture / Microneedling / Facial Rejuvenation (Email to book appointment)
Please email us at to book a Cosmetic Appointment. Open Care Community has your skin care covered! At our clinic, we utilize traditional Chinese medicine along with new technology to keep your skin looking it’s best, naturally! Patients can choose between microneedling, acupuncture facial rejuvenation, a cupping and facial gua sha session or for best results, a combination of the three. If you'd like to book an appointment, please email or call us to do so! Please send us an email at or call us at our number (917) 426-1138!
Make-Up Appointments
Make-Up Appointments are only for those who had to cancel late because of a medical emergency or an illness. You must have notified us of your reason for cancelling late via email or call. You are still charged the late cancel fee but you may use the amount as credit to book your Make-Up Acupuncture appointment here. You must make-up your appointment within 2 months of the appointment that was cancelled late. You are allowed to use this Make-Up appointment only once per calendar year.
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